
December 30, 2015

Backyard Fire Pit

I LOVE this project we finished this last summer! My hubby rocks at being such a handy man. He did this WHOLE project in ONE weekend! He ROCKS!! Here is the step by step directions on what we did for our Backyard Fire Pit.

Supplies you will need are:
Wheel Barrow
Rubber Mallet
Stakes and string
Polymeric Sand
Fire Pit kit (we got ours at Lowes)
One extra row of blocks to make it higher than what comes in the kits for the fire pit
Landscape Adhesive

We chose to make ours 20 feet by 16 feet which is a perfect size that still leaves room for your chairs and furniture and walking room.

First decide where you want to put the fire pit and patio. Dig out the dirt 4 inches below where you want the top of the surface to be. Use 2x4's, stacks and level to frame your patio area. Make sure all the boards are level. You may want a slight slope for water to drain off.

Next add gravel 2 inches thick or more depending upon the thickness of flagstone you choose. Flagstone should be flush with the top of your forms. Use a rake to smooth out the gravel.

Once you have all the gravel down put string across all the forms as a guide so that each flagstone will be the same height. Then measure the center of your patio so you know where to place your fire pit. Start placing the first row of fire pit blocks. Then start randomly placing your flagstone to make the design that suits you best. Do not have the flagstones too far apart or the Polymeric sand will not hold or set up right.

Again using your string and level make sure your flagstones are all the same height and level use a rubber mallet if needed to level out the flagstones.

Finish laying out all the flagstones how you would like them and make sure they are all level, and finish the fire pit blocks. Use the landscape adhesive on each row of the fire pit. Add the fire ring last. We did not add any adhesive to the fire ring only on the blocks.

Now start pouring all the Polymeric sand into all of the cracks. Have it all flush with the flagstones. Using a broom sweep the Polymeric sand into the cracks making sure all sand is off the flagstones.

Spray with a hose making sure not to puddle water up on the flagstone.You will wash away your polymer and it will not set up hard like it is supposed to. Just follow the directions on the bucket of the Polymeric sand and you will be fine. It takes 48 hours for it to completely set up. It will act like a hard grout.
Ta Da! I LOVE it and we love having fires all the time around it eating smores and roasting hot dogs. This has been a great addition to our backyard. This summer we put in the whole backyard so I will be posting a bunch more on yards and what we did. Enjoy :)

Here is the link for how we made our firewood storage CLICK HERE

Note: Anyone can do this my hubby has never built a fire pit before this one.

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