
October 30, 2015

Halloween Party

My kids love Halloween and we do a Halloween party every year. Here is what happened at our house this year.

 Zombie Virus drink (apple cider) Vampire Blood (juice)
We were infested with rats on our base boards :) We decorated the stairs this way to keep the party and kids downstairs. It worked great!

Mystery Box was a HUGE hit! The kids were SOOO grossed out when I told them "Feel what Monster Eyeballs feel like" etc... I had all of the adults feel everything as well and they had to guess what I used for each item. It was a lot of fun!
*Monster Eyeballs- peeled grapes
*Witches tongues- sliced bananas 
*Vampire Heart- peeled tomato 
*Witches Fingers- sliced carrot 
*Monster Hair- cooked noddles 
*Zombie Brain- head of cauliflower 
*Monster Teeth- popcorn kernels 

The kids made some Monsters, decorated Halloween sugar cookies.

The kids also played spider races (take a spider ring and have them blow it across a table with a straw) They also had a pinata, Pinned a bow tie on Mr Bones.
                                                                 My hubby and I's costumes this year

 The kids had Mummy dogs and the Adults had homemade Chili with cornbread... YUMMY

Some of the food spread  (I wish I took closer pictures of everything we had some great treats) That is all folks, don't forget to come back often for more posts :)

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