
June 18, 2012

Mascara technique

This mascara technique will open your eyes and have an appearance of thicker longer lashes. Even better you don't even have to wear false eyelashes to get a look like this. Here is what you will need:
2 different mascara's. I like Rimmel the max volume lash and Rimmel Lash accelerator it will separate your lashes and not have a clumped look. Then you just need a business card.
Place the business card along your lash line (behind your eyelashes) I start out using the lash accelerator and then I use the Max volume, start working your mascara wand against the business card and press firm for max application in an upward motion, this will help get mascara on every part of your eyelash. Then repeat for the bottom lash.

Here is a picture of one of my eyes with just one coat of mascara without using my business card technique, and the other eye that I used the technique on.

BIG DIFFERENCE huh?? (in the pictures I still don't have my eyeliner on, so you can bet how much more defined and dominant my eye will be with eyeliner on as well) and the best part is, no false eyelashes!!! :) Go try it for yourself, you will be amazed at the difference it makes. Come back soon for more tips and tricks and don't forget to follow my blog please, thanks :)